Intuitive eating. It is all about listening to your body. Healthy living is not one size fits all. There is no one way of eating that we can all do to get the same results. It just doesn’t work in that way. In fact, the secret is really being able to tune in to your own body; the way it feels when it is energised, the way if feels with it is functioning optimally, the way it feels when something isn’t quite right and more. Food and our emotions are inextricably linked. The way we feel affects the way we feed ourselves every day, so having this awareness and understanding of your own selves and bodies is essential to optimal health and wellbeing.

Simply put, intuitive eating is a an evidence-based framework that equips people with a series of tools and skills to help them evolve from a rigid diet that does not work to more freedom in the way that they eat, guided by cues from the body such as natural appetite. It is founded in self-care, hence, the approach is more behaviour-focused rather than restrictive and rigid rule-based eating.

Diet culture has resulted in many people having a negative relationship with food. Whilst, things are slowly shifting away from bootcamps, low fat and detoxes all aimed to quickly remove centimetres from our hips, to a health approach more focussed on physical and mental wellbeing, there is still some work to do!

Intuitive eating as a health approach, was first created in 1995 by two registered dieticians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch and has been shown to improve body appreciation, self-regards, optimism and satisfaction as well as provide for a better understanding of our own individual hunger/fullness cues and psyche. It also has been shown to have some physiological benefits by way of better blood glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure control.

Intuitive Eating

According to the original founders, there are 10 principles to this approach:

Reject the diet mentality.

Throw out all your diet books, a healthy, happy life can be achieved without restriction and rigid rules.

Honour your hunger.

Hunger is biological process and normal with that. If you’re feeling hungry, follow that cue. If you ignore it and you let yourself go too hungry, you’re at risk of overeating later on when you do eat.

Make peace with your food.

Make truce with your food. Throw any rules or categorising of food out the window.

Challenge the food ‘police’

Don’t get swept up in your thoughts/feelings/attitudes. There is no such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, challenge any thoughts that tell you otherwise!

Respect your fullness.

What are the signals your body makes when it’s no longer hungry? Check in with yourself. Are you satisfied? Are you comfortably full?

Discover satisfaction.

Choose foods that you enjoy. Eat in a setting that you like. Avoid distraction and focus on eating itself. If you’re unsatisfied, you’ll probably won’t relax until you eat the thing that really satisfies you.

Honour your feelings without food.

Feeling tired? Need some fresh air? Be aware of times when a feeling you may perceive as ‘hunger’ could be something else. How will you respond?

Respect your body.

Your body is unique and you are so capable. Respect it for without it, you would not where you are today. The more we are at peace with ourselves, the more easily it is to make health transitions.


Just do what feel right for you. Move mindfully, not too much, but in good balance. Exercise is such an important part of the health equation and should never be underestimated for both its physical and mental benefits.

Honour your health.

What is health to you? Remember, without our health, we are at a loss. Remember, one meal, one drink, one snack, is not going to make a difference on your overall health.

The bottom line…

What you eat is as important as how you eat. Listening to your own cues to guide hunger can lead to improved quality of life and some physiological health benefits too!

I am a big advocate for balance. Yes, I love me a burger and some chocolate, but I equally love me some broccoli and hummus. My approach to health favours a non-diet mentality. There are no labels and in most cases, there is nothing off limits. All my plans are made specific to your needs and goals. If you want to make an appointment or just check in and get some guidance, flick me an email, I would love to touch base.

As always, I would love to know your biggest takeaway and tell me if you’ve tried intuitive eating before – Tag us on Instagram @optima_health or #optimahealth. Thanks for reading x