These days we are living longer. However, with age comes an increased risk of falls, fractures, cognitive decline, joint pain, fragility, cardiovascular disease etc. In terms of appearance, we could lather on all the creams and serums under the sun, but nothing that you put ON your body compares to what you put IN to your body. Diet plays a major part in helping preventing the progression of age-related disease and illness as well as appearance. Read on for the best foods to eat to reap all the anti-ageing benefits.



The brain is made up of 60% DHA, an important omega 3 fatty acid. Therefore, its safe to say that its reliance on dietary fat is of extreme importance. Dietary fat also provides fundamental building blocks for hormone production. Healthy fat consumption also helps to curb inflammation, assist metabolism and aid weight loss. Good quality fats also help give a supple appearance. These include foods such as raw nuts/seeds, oily fish, avocado and quality extra virgin olive oil. Salmon, for example, is high in omega 3 fatty acids which help to reduce inflammation as well as encourage skin renewal. Foods such as avocado, sunflower seeds and almonds are high in vitamin E which is the most abundant of the fat-soluble vitamins found in the skin. These foods help to reduce the roughness of skin as well as acne related scarring and promote a firmer and lighter skin tone.


Dark leafy greens are chock full of nutrients for glowing skin and are highly beneficial for our overall health and wellbeing. Dark leafy greens are loaded with antioxidants which fight free radicals, which if in excess, make us age quicker than usual. They are also high in B vitamins such as spinach and broccoli being high in vitamin B6 which helps to fight skin blemishes through the regulation of hormones as well as help manage skin conditions such as acne and eczema. Dark leafy greens are also good sources of vitamin K which helps to enhance the skin’s elasticity as well as prevent and manage dark under eye circles and wrinkles.


Berries are rich in anthocyanins, a compound known for its anti-ageing benefits, especially when its comes to cellular damage. They are also chock full of antioxidants, which again, help us look more youthful. Berries are also a wonderful source of vitamin C which further helps to reduce UV related skin damage whilst boosting collagen production and strengthening the skins wall.


Beta-carotene (which, once consumed, is converted by the body into vitamin A) is found in red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables. It helps keep our bones and vision strong as well as our complexion clear by way of reducing sebum production and reducing damage caused by excessive sun exposure. Vitamin A also helps increase blood flow to the skin which helps create a more supple and hydrated skin tone.


Bone broth is chock full of collagen, a structural protein that helps to build strong skin. Dietary collagen is extremely potent in the way that the body directly transports the protein to its cells. Collagen creams and the like, do not work to the same effect, rather, exerting more of a temporary benefit. Collagen also contains gelatine which is brilliant at healing the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent inflammation and therefore preventing ageing! Bone broth is also rich in iodine, a thyroid loving nutrient, that helps with energy production and weight balance as well as skin and hair health. It also contains glycosaminoglycans, important nutrients such as glucosamine and chondroitin which play beneficial roles in preventing age-realted joint degeneration.


The allium family of vegetables, i.e. leeks, onions and garlic are sulfur-rich vegetables that contain compounds such as allicin that are know to fight off free radicals within the body. Not only is allicin a potent detoxifier, it also exerts anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. The cruciferous vegetables, featuring foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage, are potent detoxifiers which also exert anti-inflammatory properties.


Herbs and spices also have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties with some examples being ginger, garlic, turmeric, oregano, rosemary, cloves, cinnamon, thyme, sage. To take the example of turmeric, it is known to exert amazing anti-ageing benefits which helps to increase our longevity. Curcumin targets specific mechanisms that suppress the pro-inflammatory state that acts as a catalyst for the formation of age-related disease.


Green teas and herbal teas are also potent detoxifiers which also help to curb inflammation and help us age gracefully. For more on teas, take a look at this post.