Did you know that bananas are rich in vitamin B6, which helps ward off irritability!

Did you know that bananas are rich in magnesium, which helps reduce insomnia and promote better sleep patterns as well as help our muscles relax!

Did you know that bananas have a high concentration of dietary fibre and also contain vitamin C, which helps promote better digestion, bowel motility and is immune boosting!

There you go…3 massive reasons to eat a banana a day.

Not yet sold….?

The banana is a perfect little tryptophan-containing parcel. This helps balance our mental health, helping us stay in a good mood and reduce anxious thoughts.

Bananas also contribute to our cardiovascular health by keeping our blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check.

A brilliant source of potassium, bananas helps regulate fluids within our body.

Bananas also contain vitamin A, which helps maintain our skin integrity.

Bananas grow abundantly and are available all year round. One of my favourite foods in the world, I prefer eating mine with a few black spots. Remember if you find yourself with too many ripe bananas, peel and freeze them for a creamy and sweet addition to your next smoothie.