For the most part, our worlds are fast-paced and time-poor with the frequent exposure to a stressor or two. Thus, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle. But today, I am going to tell you it doesn’t have to be so hard. Our priority during the workday is to be productive; hence, we need to remain fuelled and hydrated to be able to do so!

How to eat well at work?

Prepare in advance. 

Yes I know its a lot to ask, but it actually does make a difference. Preparation and organisation are the keys to healthy eating for the whole family. I often suggest that my clients spend a couple of hours food prepping on a day when it suits e.g. a Sunday afternoon or perhaps you have a day off during the week that would suit your routine better. Find what works for you and stick with it.

Here are some examples:

  • Batch cook up wholegrains and boiled eggs.
  • Pre wash and slice vegetables.
  • Roast a tray of vegetables.
  • Soak your nuts/seeds.
  • Make double the amount of dinner the night before. Or make a big pot of stew or soup for the week.

Opt for simple food. 

Simple food, done well is my motto. It’s the most practical and often the cheapest way to reach your health goals and maintain a good healthy eating routine at work.

Here are some great options:

  • Sandwiches or wraps
  • Salads
  • Sushi
  • Stirfied vegetable and a protein source
  • Homemade fritters, frittata, egg-based slice
  • Soup
  • Leftovers from the previous evening

Have healthy snacks on hand. 

When it comes to 3pm, rather than reaching for that chocolate bar, instead you can reach for a pre-prepared snack full of goodness.

Here are some great options:

  • Overnight oats
  • Homemade smoothies
  • Chia puddings
  • Greek yoghurt sprinkled with cacao nibs/bee pollen/berries/nuts/seeds
  • Homemade trail mix
  • Veggie sticks and/or crackers with dip

If you’re one that often gets caught short, ensure your office drawer or work bag is stocked with food items that will last – e.g. tinned fish, microwaveable sachets of rice and other wholegrains, nut/seed mix, wholegrain crackers, healthy bliss balls, individual portioned oats etc.

If you have access to a fridge, for example, keep a tub of Greek yoghurt in there and decant as needed. This is cheaper than buying individual yoghurts. Have some frozen berries in the freezer and voila, a simple, healthy snack.

Kids all over Australia do ‘Crunch and Sip’ at school. Implement a similar thing for yourself with cut up veggies and fruit to snack on. Prepare this the night before if you’re pressed for time in the mornings.

Store well.

**See my tips on food storage for some handy tips to get the most from your pre-prepped food.

Stay hydrated. 

Not only is keeping your brain fuelled key to a productive day at work, also is staying well hydrated. Ensure you sip on water regularly. If you have trouble hitting targets, perhaps set a phone reminder to keep you accountable. Other options that count towards water intake include herbal teas and clear broths.

Take short breaks.  

Whilst not food related, I find that I am most productive if I take short, regular breaks from my desk. Perhaps you walk the office corridor a few times? Perhaps you take your lunch outside to the fresh air? Perhaps its a midday workplace yoga session? Find what works for you and try and implement as often as you can.