
Banana & Cacao Thickshake

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I don’t know what it is about smoothies…but I’m quite obsessed. I mean they’re convenient, can be made exactly to taste and are the perfect drink for a warm sunny day (which in Perth, we certainly have no shortage of!). I mean what is there not to love! I love my smoothies thick; the need […]

‘In The Moment’ 28.09.17

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I saw this being done recently on another blog that I follow and I immediately loved the idea of it. Reflection is super important in today’s fast-paced world. ‘In the moment’ is my new little series where I stop, I notice, I take note of all that is happening both around me and in my […]

Ask Alex: How can I reduce and potentially alleviate my PMS symptoms?

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Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) is an umbrella term used to describe a broad range of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle. Symptoms can either be psychological, physical and/or behavioural and can range from irritability and confusion to headaches and cramping and everything in between. Each month, millions of women all over the world feel the effects […]

Would you like some additives with that?

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Food additives are substances that are added to foods to improve shelf life, assist manufacturing or enhance their flavor, texture or colour. Some examples include: Beeswax is a glazing agent (901) often used to coat apples, aiding their appearance. Sorbitol is a humectant (420) often mixed in with dried fruits to extend their shelf life […]

Ask Alex: What are the benefits of getting enough sleep?

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What are the benefits of getting enough sleep? Sleep is so important for so many different reasons. We all love it, yet many of us don’t get enough! Myself, I have a non-negotiable commitment to getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night with no exceptions! I owe my health, my energy, my ability […]

Ask Alex: How to fight seasonal allergies?

Fight Seasonal AllergiesRead more

With Spring nearly upon us, it is important to talk seasonal allergies. While Spring itself makes for a most glorious sight…sunny days, wildflower season, warming weather…it can be misery for those who suffer from seasonal allergies and associated symptoms. Allergic diseases, of any description, are among the fastest growing of all chronic conditions in Australia […]

A Warm Green Bean, Leek and Brussels Sprout Salad

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Cool wintery nights definitely call for warm salads, chocked full of all the good green stuff! If you haven’t got the gist yet, I love salads. However, when its cold outside, some nights I cannot stand the idea of a cold garden salad and I don’t have the time to wait for a whole lot […]

Prebiotics, Probiotics

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Gut health, gut health, gut health…these days it’s all we seem to hear! Well, Amen, sister! I am on the same page. Gut health is the underlying key to our optimal health and wellness. A poor gut microbiome is linked to so many acute and chronic illnesses as well as poor physiological functioning of the […]

My favourite breakfasts

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Breakfast, it’s probably my equal favourite meal of the day (on par with lunch and dinner!). However some mornings it can be an absolute chore to ensure a balanced meal full of fibre, good fats, protein and complex carbohydrates. Especially when you’ve got the dog to walk, the kids to feed and prepare lunches for […]