
Lupin Lovin’ (and a recipe)

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What in the world is a lupin, you may ask? Lupins are a grain legume/pulse that were first introduced to Australia in the 1960s to assist with crop rotation and to help increase the nitrogen quantity in the soil to improve soil fertility. Lupin has a special bond with Western Australian soils, with 85% of the […]

Ask Alex: How do I eat for optimal hormonal balance?

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We all have our moments; we feel irritable, we feel lethargic; we feel under par; we feel clogged up…the list goes on… Whether we like it or not, our hormones play an integral role in the overall workings of our body. Hormones control our mood, our digestion, our metabolism, our appearance, our energy levels and […]

Budget Bites: Ways with Lentils (Kid-Friendly)

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Lentils, to me, are so satisfying! They’re earthy, so fibrous, rich in protein, iron and folate and are a staple in so many cuisines. Lentils are the ultimate food to quickly spice up any dish! Plus, they’re super cheap and filling! So here are some quick ways to use them with minimum fuss… Moroccan inspired lentil […]

Ask Alex: How I eat healthily with little spare time?

How I eat healthily with little spare time?Read more

The kids are nagging, its dark outside, the dog is yapping at you for a walk, you need to prepare dinner for tonight and lunches for tomorrow. You pull out a pack of chops from the freezer, but you need to wait for them to defrost. You go to the fridge, to find a faster option […]

Healthy Banana Oat Pancakes

Banana Oat PancakesRead more

Hello lovely friends and Happy WA day long weekend. I love WA. I actually really do. We have the most amazing state, filled with some of the best landscapes you will ever see in world. We have the most amazing people from all walks of life. We may be the most isolated but what we […]

Fusion Spiced Sweet Potato Soup

Fusion Spiced Sweet Potato SoupRead more

I love sweet potato. There is something so grounding about it. Its a great complex carbohydrate chock full of vitamin A as well as being a good source of vitamin C, dietary fibre, potassium, manganese and some of the B vitamins. I have been making this soup for years. I love how that it is […]

What is the Vagus Nerve and what does it have to do with me?

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So guys, there is this thing and its called the vagus nerve. What is it to me….you make ask? Why in the world do I need to know about this? Well, what if I told you that you could reduce inflammation with this beauty. What if I told you that could reduce chronic pain…! What […]

Ask Alex: How can I stop sugar cravings?

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I have an overwhelming craving for sugar, especially in the afternoons, what can I do to stop this?  Great question. Sugar cravings affect so many of us. They are most likely caused from a diet high in processed foods which is subsequently quite high calorie and has a very low nutrient density. An unbalanced diet, like […]

Strengthening Immunity.

Strengthening ImmunityRead more

Good nutrition is essential for a strong immune system. Strong immunity plays a protective role against seasonal illness such as the common cold, the flu and infections as well as other illnesses such as arthritis; allergies and asthma (sorry for all the alliteration!), all that can all flare up in the cooler months. Here are some […]

Ask Alex: What is acne and what is it telling you?

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What is acne and why is it causing me grief? Acne is localised skin inflammation due to blocked sebaceous glands. It can manifest in many different ways. Some people get small red pimples, while others get to be bigger pus filled cyst-like spots. Acne is choosy but can tell you a whole lot about why […]