
Facts on faeces

Facts on FaecesRead more

Yes, I am doing it…I am going to talk about faeces. The truth is, as a Clinical Nutritionist, I actually spend a lot of time talking about and thinking about this f-word. Believe it or not, our poop is a great communicator. It actually tells us A WHOLE LOT about how our well our body […]

Ask Alex: How do I eat for optimal hormonal balance?

How to eat for hormonal balanceRead more

We all have our moments; we feel irritable, we feel lethargic; we feel under par; we feel clogged up…the list goes on… Whether we like it or not, our hormones play an integral role in the overall workings of our body. Hormones control our mood, our digestion, our metabolism, our appearance, our energy levels and […]

Ask Alex: How I eat healthily with little spare time?

How I eat healthily with little spare time?Read more

The kids are nagging, its dark outside, the dog is yapping at you for a walk, you need to prepare dinner for tonight and lunches for tomorrow. You pull out a pack of chops from the freezer, but you need to wait for them to defrost. You go to the fridge, to find a faster option […]

Ask Alex: How can I stop sugar cravings?

Stop Sugar CravingsRead more

I have an overwhelming craving for sugar, especially in the afternoons, what can I do to stop this?  Great question. Sugar cravings affect so many of us. They are most likely caused from a diet high in processed foods which is subsequently quite high calorie and has a very low nutrient density. An unbalanced diet, like […]

Ask Alex: What is acne and what is it telling you?

AcneRead more

What is acne and why is it causing me grief? Acne is localised skin inflammation due to blocked sebaceous glands. It can manifest in many different ways. Some people get small red pimples, while others get to be bigger pus filled cyst-like spots. Acne is choosy but can tell you a whole lot about why […]

Who am I? Why Optima Health? Why trust me?

Optima HealthRead more

WHO AM I? Who am I…? This is actually a really hard question to answer. Simply, I am Alexandra Handreck. Most people call me Alex. I am a sister, a daughter, a niece, a cousin and a friend. I love animals, the colour orange and making salads. I love to cook, I actually enjoy grocery […]

Ask Alex: Some answers on lactose-free, calorie counting and late night eating.

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Why do lactose-free products contain lactase? We are seeing an increasing amount of dairy products these days labelled lactose-free or lactose-reduced. Nutritionally, these types of foods are similar to that of regular milk and dairy products.  Lactase is an important enzyme that breaks down lactose, hence, it is used by manufacturers to rid of or reduce the […]